اختبارات في المادة الانجليزية للسنة اولى متوسط 2024.

: English Exam N°2
Level : 1st AM
Text : A midnight sandwich
Hamid is an Algerian policeman. He lives in Algiers. Every Friday evening, he goes to work at 8:00 p.m. e arrives at the police station at 8:30 p.m. Hamid starts work at 9:00 p.m .He drives in a police car round Algiers. e does not have dinner. At midnight, he has a sandwich. Hamid finishes work at 6:00 a.m.

Part One: A/ Reading Comprehension. “7points”
Activity “1”: Read the text then with “Yes” or “No” the following questions: “3pts”
1) Is Hamid a policeman ? 
2) Does he start work at 9:00 a.m ? 
3) Does he have dinner? 
Activity “2”: Read the text then fill in this table. “2pts”
Times Activities
8:00 p.m
9:00 p.m
6:00 a.m
Activity “3” : Lexis .
1/ Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: “1pt”
a) policewoman =/= b) mid-day =/=
2/ Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following: “1pt”
a) 00:00 hour = b) week-end =

Part One: Mastery of Language. “7points”

Activity “1” : Write the time in full letters . “2pts”
1/ 11:45  2/ 10:30 
3/ 9:45  4/ 12:00 

Activity “2” : Fill in the gaps with : “ in – on – at” “3pts”
……Fridays, Hamid starts work …….9:00 p.m . He drives ……a police car round Algiers.

Activity “3”: Find in the text words that have the following sounds: “2pts”
get “g” job “dj” brush “sh” watch “ch”

Part Two : Written Expression.
 Fill in the gaps using the following words. “6pts”
“ finish – at – have – school – breakfast – 8:30”

Every morning, I get up ………6:00 . I have ……………at 7:00 . I go to ………….. at 8:00.
I start class at …………… At 13.00, I ………….. lunch. I ……………school at 16:30.

My name is Linda .I am 12 years old .I am a pupil in a middle school .I am slim and tall .I have long hair and brown eyes .Omar is my father .He is a doctor .My mother is a nurse .I have a brother , his name is Ryadh.He is an architect .He is tall and fat with short dark hair and blue eyes. He plays basketball in a local club .

Section one : Reading Comprehension

Activity 1 : Read the text then fill in the table (4pts)
Family Job Hair Eyes
Activity 2: Read the text then say : "true" or " false" (4pts)
Linda is a pupil
Omar is Linda’s brother
Ryadh plays tennis
Linda has one sister
Activity 3: 1/ Read the text then find the opposites: a) small =/= b)short =/=

2/ Read the text then find the synonyms: a) black = b) practise =

Section two : Mastery of Language
Activity one : Fill in the gaps with { she – has – he – an – a }

Mona is ……………..teacher ………is 25 years old .She …………..short hair and green eyes .Her brother is ………….artist ……………likes football.

Activity two: Write these numbers in full : (2pts)
1st ………………
2nd ………………
3rd ………………
4th …………………

Activity three : Put in the right column the words :
"speak – is – has – yes- slim "
"s" "z"

Section three : Written Expression
 Find the questions ( 5pts)
A :…………………………………….?
B :My name is Omar.
A ……………………………………..?
B :I am from Médéa .
A ………………………………………….?
B : I am 36 years old.
A : ………………………………………..?
B : I’m Algerian .
A : ……………………………………….?
B : I am a doctor .

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